English text, Swedish Midsummer and vodka
I’ve decided that I’m going to try to write my blog in English for a while, so that all of my new friends can read it too. Last Wednesday I celebrated 4 months in Australia. It’s crazy how the time flies by. It feels like I just came here and at the same time like I’ve been here all my life. Anyway, I took the train up to Perth to meet up with Sara. We walked around for a bit, did some shopping and then we decided to go to IKEA. We had some lunch and I finally got to buy my beloved Kalle’s kaviar! Oh how I’ve missed thee.
Last week it was Swedish Midsummer and we had been planning on celebrating it at Sara’s house on the Saturday. Gary had been home from work the whole and on Friday I manage to get some hours off and headed to Sara one day early. We had lots of fun and goofed around, dancing like 1D haha! Oh and we got some fan pics with the whole band!

The morning after, we went straight to IKEA to get some brekkie/lunch and met up with Johanna. Johanna and I were excited to get some Sill, which we of course forgot to eat.. We did make some taco chips dinner with yummy cheese and mince though. And in true Swedish spirit, we shared a bottle of Absolut Vodka. The rest of the night was great! We went to Brass Monkey, where the security guard is a total hottie! There was also some Indian bloke who sat down by our table.. “Stop! You’ve got nice eyes!” Yep, that was for me. The whole night offered a lot of different and weird blokes. All those funny things I can never tell my grandkids! Thank you guys for a great weekend!

Yesterday, Tuesday, I met up with Chiara in Mandurah. We both needed to do some shopping and afterwards we went to Mumma’s and had an ice cream. We were going to plan for my birthday this weekend but we didn’t get too much sorted.. Now it’s planned though, finally! Now I can just look forward to it instead, yaay :D
Oh and today I've spent several hours editing my blog and my blog has been shown 122 times today, guessing that's me haha.