The last two weeks the boys have had their winter break, with one extra free day off tomorrow, Monday. The first Wednesday during break, I had the boys for a 12 hour shift! There has been different activities going on at the library in Falcon and since Sarah used the car, I decided we would ride our bikes over there. I went really well, surprisingly enough! The boys had great fun with the Peter Pan theme, making hooks, swords and a pirate hat. Afterwards I brought them to Happicinos where I introduced them to my colleagues and we had a milkshake each.
On July 13th it was Johanna’s birthday! We got ready at her place and had some vine before Sara drove us to Hillarys where we had some food. Sara gave Johanna a pair of drinking glasses, they are so fun but doesn’t really look attractive.. After the restaurant, we went to have some drinks and had a real good time, checking out all the guys.
This weekend has been full on! I had a cold but decided to go with Sara and her host kids Andrew and Patrick to Perth zoo anyway. In the evening we had a Swedish girls night out with Johanna and Malin, beginning at Hahn’s cafe and then having some drinks at The brass monkey. When I woke up the morning after, my throat was hurting so badly and I could barely speak. After some tea with honey it felt better though and at 12pm Sara and I picked up Johanna to go to Caversham Wildlife Park. Spending your hungover Saturday with cuddly, smooth kangaroos is awesome! I could do it every week haha! We got to pet all of the typical aussie animals; kangaroos, a wombat, koalas and a black headed python.
By the time I got back home I felt pretty okay so I decided to have another night out. YOLO right?! So I had an hour to shower, put new make up on, eat, pack my bag and get changed. I made it in 50 mins! So really proud haha. Gloria and I caught the bus from here and met up with Maddie and the guys at Murphy’s. By the time Chiara got there it was time to head to the club. We had a great night and I don’t mind getting free drinks ;)
I had an amazing birthday! I woke up early to come with the family to Kael’s footy game. Before we left, I got two super cute birthday cards from the boys, a package of neon elastics and a silver bracelet with the text “live well, laugh often, love much” written on it. After the game, we made some lunch and Sarah had made me birthday cupcakes! I also played some Jenga with Kael and Rusty, after I had lost we decided to build awesome buildings instead.
At 2 o’clock I went to the train station and picked up Sara and Johanna. We went to Mumma’s and had some yummy ice cream. When back at my place, we started pre partying and doing our makeup. After we had walked to the bus stop and been standing there for a while we realised that the bus was not going to show up, so we had to hurry to the next bus stop, only to miss it. With an hour to kill, we started playing “never have I ever...”
Once we came to the Brighton and met up with Chiara and Maryke, we ordered some pizza. Chiara gave me a really cute, light pink bracelet with a heart, a big, black pin with 21 written on it and a penis straw.. I was forced to use the straw during the whole night, fml..
Sara and Johanna slept at my place. If laughing makes you live longer, I’m going to live forever. The day after, we decided we wanted some hungover food so we went to Macca’s. Sara and I found a cute guy, as always, we’ve got a cereal problem! After some brekky we went shopping and I finally found myself a hat! I also found a pair of dark denim shorts to use in our awesome winter weather.